
Yes, I need all the free website advice I can get.


Yes, I need all the free website advice I can get.


Yes, I need all the free website advice I can get.

Is your website slow too load? Does it keep crashing? You could have too many plugins running. Let’s take a look at how you can unplug and bring back faster speeds.

Wait, you can have too many plugins?

It’s true what they say – you can have too much of a good thing, and that includes plugins. Having too many plugins installed can cause a few issues for your website. Such as:

Slow loading speeds
– Repeated crashing
– Create incompatibility issues for users

There is no set number on how many plug-ins are too many plugins. Some people will tell you that businesses don’t need to exceed 20-30 plugins, while others will tell you to keep it under 10. The best thing you can do is stick to using the plugins that you actually need. For example, if your website contains a contact form, you’ll need the necessary plugin for it, but you don’t need a file manager plugin for downloads. You can also find alternatives to plugins, like browser extensions – these mean you can still have the capability to share content but don’t need to host the functionality on your site. Win-win.

Start by de-cluttering your plugins and getting rid of all the ones you definitely don’t need.

Quality over quantity

When it comes to plugins, less is truly more. Look for plugins that are well-reviewed, not just cheap. A highly-rated and popular plugin means that plenty of people – particularly business owners, trust it in running their website.

Remember, bad plugins make for a bad user experience, which Google takes very seriously. If your website doesn’t perform and be received well, it’s less likely to be pushed up on Google’s search list.

You can tell a good plugin from a bad one by:

– It’s reviews
– The number of downloads
– The number of versions released – a new plugin may have some bugs that need working through
– It’s active installations

So, make sure you’re using the best plugins you can – otherwise, it could be harming your business!

Keep your plugins up to date

The thing about having too many plugins? You’ve got to stay on top of them all. If your plugins aren’t regularly maintained and reviewed they can leave cracks in the walls of your website where hackers can sneak in.

An out-of-date plugin is a hacker’s dream – allowing them unfettered access to the backend of your website where they can view contact lists, edit content, host viruses, and take control of your site. No good.

Therefore, you have to be on the lookout for new versions of your plugins as well as any changes to your site that you didn’t make.


Maybe it's time!

Just remember, if a plugin is no longer serving your website, let it go!